Milagros de Montessori
Experience the "Miracles of Montessori"
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CASA - 3 to 6 years
CASA 1(Nursery), CASA 2 (K1), CASA 3 (K2)
The word 'casa' means 'house' in Spanish, the home that our children move to, after their first 3 years in NIDO (nest). During the first 6 years of life, young children absorb both positive and negative impressions from the environment. An enriched positive environment highly contributes to the growth and development of children where they feel accepted.
From the age of 3 to 6 years, children deem the everyday, 'ordinary' activities of adults as interesting and special. Practical Life exercises like sorting, pouring, washing dishes or polishing shoes evoke their interest and keep them engaged. Our CASA program prepares children not just for school, but for life.
CASA Curriculum
Our CASA curriculum allows children to focus and spend more time on the core subjects. Children use concrete materials such as movable alphabets, bead materials, cubes and cylinders for English, Math, and Sensorial Development respectively.
For a child, an understanding of quantity is the first mathematical problem he/she faced with. We expose our children to a wonderful world of Numbers (until 10,000) and Decimal System using Montessori Materials. Our Math curriculum develops proficiency in Arithmetic (four operations of Math) with visual, conceptual and practical activities that are a proven formula for success in the Montessori classroom.
This includes activities related to addition, subtraction, multiplication, division are thoroughly set-out in step-by-step lesson format. Our program also includes multiplication and division, hierarchies of numbers.
Our curriculum is intended to crucial communication skills for education and self-expression. This program places a great emphasis on setting the framework to educate children in the skills borne of reading: critical thinking, sequencing, comprehension, vocabulary, spelling and imagination.
The child first learns phonetic sounds, phonetic reading and writing, irregular or sight words, phonograms, blends and finally, fluent reading and creative writing and poetry
Science & Culture
Our Botany curriculum assists the child in exploring the biological aspects of his/her environment. Helps him/her develop an appreciation for the delicate balance of nature. The study of botany is child centred using live plants as a knowledge and interest catalyst.
Children by their very nature are fascinated with animals. They learn about animals and to respect their needs, habits and characteristics. This program provides a detailed study of the animal kingdom, exploring animal need and how they are met.
Practical Science Experiments
Our Science experiments are interesting and fun to the children! Prediction and analysis are incorporated into each experiment. They are all “hands on”
Starting with land, water and air and progressing to studying the world’s different regions through photographs, art, geo moulds, geography puzzles and videos. A major component of this curriculum is the study of continent of the world.
Awareness of history for a child begins with awareness of himself within the bounds of time. By examining their own time-line from birth to present, then looking at their family tree, children gain their first senses of history. Children are fascinated with stories of famous people who lived before their time.​
Mother Tongue
The learning of a language is a great intelligent acquisition. Children easily pick up the language they are exposed to the most. Our Mother Tongue curriculum bridges this gap for children from English speaking background.
Our curriculum exposes the child to wider vocabulary and then to sentence construction. Public speaking and conversation in Mother Tongue is a part of our curriculum as it gives children confidence and develops proficiency in the language.
The child learns the alphabet of the language and learns to read and write. Story telling is a part of our curriculum which evokes the imagination and thereby creative writing skills.
Practical Life
Children are innately preparing to be adults. Our goal as parents and teachers is to raise children with strong foundation skills and work habits that will one day enable them to be responsible for themselves, their own homes, families and communities.
Our practical life activities enable the child to develop-
• Care and Respect for Self
• Care and Respect for the Environment
• Social Graces and Courtesies
• Fine Motor Skills
• Life Skills
Arts & Music
A child’s musical receptiveness remains high especially through the preschool years until about the age of six. Children are given a comprehensive creative arts program that encompasses the theories, methods and materials for this age group.
Our curriculum is designed to promote children's natural love for Art and Music. We offer opportunities to use their creativity and motor skills to create wonderful crafts.
There are many activities outlined to promote and encourage development in dance, drama, arts and crafts.
Our Sensorial curriculum is designed to enage all senses of the child, not just hearing and sight. Our activities give the child an opportunity to :
• name, identify and match colors
• match objects by using senses
• explore creativity
• become aware of growth processes
• become aware of what living things need to survive
• practice quiet observation to experience and identify the elements of nature.